General resources for the related subjects that I am interested in or working on [constantly being updated]:
- Dynamical Systems
- Books
- From Calculus to Chaos by D. Acheson - A very good introduction to the subject requiring very minimal background
- Chaos: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems by K. T. Alligood, T. D. Sauer, J. A. Yorke - Mathematically rigorous, step by step derivations; involves a lot of paper-pen as well as computer exercises
- Introduction to Modern Dynamics by D. D. Nolte - Very modern and original account of dynamical systems by treating up-to-date applications such as network theory, evolutionary dynamics etc..
- Dynamics : Geometry of Behaviour by R. H. Abraham and C. D. Shaw - A must read for geometric intuition of dynamical systems with full of wonderful illustrations
- Chaos Book - Original book of the MOOC Nonlinear Dynamics: Geometry of Chaos(see below)
- Online Course - MOOC
- Nonlinear Dynamics: Geometry of Chaos I and II - Absolutely wonderful resource with videos, homeworks and projects; graduate level
- Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches - A very good introduction MOOC for those with a minimal calculus background
- Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics - Great lectures from a great lecturer V. Balakrishnan
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Steven Strogatz, Cornell University - Great lecture videos given by Stogatz based on his own book
- Differential Equations
- Books
- Ordinary Differential Equations by V. I. Arnold
- Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems by Lawrance Perko
- Numerical Techniques & Scientific Computing
- Statistical Mechanics
- Books
- Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computation by Werner Krauth - Absolutely wonderful computational statistical mechanics book which also provides the pseudocodes for all the algorithms involved
- Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters and Complexity by James P. Sethna - Another gem which has great exercise problems both theoretical and computational
- Online Course - MOOC
- V. Balakrishnan 'Classical Mechanics' lectures series Lecture 20-30 which covers equilbrium statistical mechanics and phase transitions
- MIT OCW - Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles by Mehran Kerdar
- Theoretical Minimum: Statistical Mechanics by L. Suskind
- Evolutionary Dynamics & Theoretical Ecology
- Books
- Evolutionary Dynamics by M. A. Nowak - Standard textbook which covers the very basics of evolutionary dynamics with interesting applications
- Stability and Complexity in Model Ecosystems by Robert M. May - A classical book which defined the field of theoretical ecology from the very founder R. May - must read
- Theoretical Ecology - Principles and Applications by Robert M. May - A collection of theoretical ecology chapters written by key figures in the field; great overview for the major problems and perspectives
- Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics by Josef Hofbauer and Karl Sigmund - Extensive treatment of Lotka-Volterra and Replicator Equations in relation with game theoretical approach to ecology and dynamical systems analysis
- Models in Ecology by John Maynard Smith - General and compact treatment of mathematical models touching key ideas of ecological modeling
- Evolution and Theory of Games by John Maynard Smith - Introduction to game theoretical concepts in evolution and ecology with a lot of valuable insight
- Online Course - MOOC
- Open Yale Courses: EEB 122: Principles of Evolution, Ecology and Behavior
- Game Theory
- Online Course - MOOC
- Open Yale Courses: ECON 159: Game Theory
- Coursera - Standford Game Theory I/II
- Books
- Two-Person Game Theory by Anatol Rapaport (Dover Pub.)
- Games and Decisions by R. D. Luce and H. Raiffa
- Papers
- Mathematics related
- Books
- Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences by C. C. Lin and L. A. Segel - A very detailed and extensive collection of applied mathematical tools presented for a 'beginner' audience
- Naive Set Theory by Paul Halmos - Undergraduate beginner level set theory which provides the foundations to build up mathematical rigor in a 'naive' way